After an article covering pro-Israel student activity appeared in Friday’s The Times of London paper, CAMERA on Campus UK Associates Khulan Davaajav and Tamara Berens submitted the following letter to set the record straight regarding their experience of the events that took place at UCL last October:
Dear Editor:
We commend the Times for addressing the harassment of pro-Israel students in the 10th November article ‘UCL students in protest over pro-Palestinian speakers Azzam Tammy and Miko Peled’. However, we were at Israeli Hen Mazzig’s 2016 CAMERA event at UCL; it is inaccurate to describe the protest against him as ‘clashes’.
Protesters surrounded the room, trapping us in. We endured screams of ‘From the river to the sea Palestine will be free’ and banging on the walls. Two shouting protesters wedged the window open and jumped into the room, nearly injuring two students. Police had to escort us to safety.
There was no ‘clash’ on our side; we wanted to have a dialogue with Mazzig. Protesters wanted to stop him, and intimidate and discourage us.
Khulan Davaajav and Tamara Berens, CAMERA on Campus UK Associates, London