3 minute read

SJP’s Assault on Jewish Life at the University of Illinois

In response to an antisemitic presentation shown at a mandatory staff meeting for resident hall advisers at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana (UIUC) entitled “Palestinian Resistance to 70 Years of Israeli Terror,” university Chancellor Robert Jones commendably denounced the “division, distrust, and anger” that the presentation elicited. Predictably, UIUC’s Students for Justice in...

4 minute read

Letter to the Editor: ‘Pinkwashing’ Misrepresents LGBTQ Rights in Israel

Dear Editor, Following Shai DeLuca-Tamasi’s visit to Tulane this past month, three students wrote an article in the Hullabaloo discussing LGBTQ+ rights in Israel. In their article, the authors grossly misrepresented the message delivered by DeLuca- Tamasi and presented misleading arguments about LGBTQ+ rights in the Jewish state. The authors overlooked important...

< 1 minute read

Noura Erakat’s Sordid Cynicism

Listening to lawyers and law students speak among themselves about the law and its ultimate value can be disconcerting. They are a cynical bunch. For some lawyers, the law itself has little, if any inherent integrity or meaning. For these lawyers, the law can be used to advance the interest...

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