Photo: Dexter Van Zile/Times of Israel Any hope that the ongoing campaign to isolate Jews from mainstream society in the United States was going to slow down as a result of campus shutdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was shattered in Boston on the first day of July. That’s when...
Anti-Israel Animus Has Run Amok Among Young Americans
Anti-Israel activists came out in droves across the United States and Canada in early July. Why? Ostensibly, to protest the prospect of Israeli “annexation” — or, more accurately, the potential application of Israeli sovereignty to certain areas over the Green Line (which has yet to occur). Of course, chants of “Death to Israel”...
Elon Student Project Offered Skewed Narrative of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Every year, Elon University celebrates the academic achievements of its students by highlighting some of the undergraduate research that has been painstakingly gathered, organized, and presented to its professors and student body. However, this year, the content of one project took me aback. The research offered by one student, a...
An Academic Attempt to Frame Israel as a Devious Colonial Enterprise
Photo: Israel Defense Forces/Wikimedia Commons “Educator” Nimrod Evron and groups including King’s College London Action Palestine hosted a virtual discussion on Ethiopian Jews in Israel on July 5 to frame their experience as part of a “global struggle against racial injustice” recently publicized by the Black Lives Matter movement. The key speaker...
Bias and Bigotry on the Syracuse University Campus
What appeared to be a noble effort to discuss bias at Syracuse University ironically turned into a vicious exercise in bias and bigotry as the conversations turned into an antisemitic witch hunt. A few students recently created multiple Instagram pages, inviting fellow students and faculty to post stories about incidents...
‘Bless His Memory, Don’t Taint It’
In the wake of the tragic murder of George Floyd, ample debate has dominated the public square in the United States, as well as around the world. The horrific crime has brought an age-old question to the forefront: Have we achieved racial equality as a society? If not, how can we?...
Clearing up Title VI Confusion
U.S. Representative Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) is one of the latest politicians to weigh in on the debate surrounding universities’ use of federal funds. This time, University of California-Berkeley’s (UCB) Center for Middle East Studies (CMES) is in the limelight. In a letter to U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, Lamborn chiefly urges...
Countering Anti-Israel Hate at Columbia University
This semester did not go as planned for many college students. No one expected the pandemonium that accompanied COVID-19, forcing us to learn remotely for half of the semester and causing the senior class to miss graduation and commencement. COVID-19 has been disastrous on a global scale. It has killed...