Students at USC held their annual Israelpalooza event, which CAMERA helped sponsor. The event brought together Israel’s supporters from all over the university to celebrate Israel’s 65th year of Independence. The students enjoyed cotton candy, popcorn, snow cones, a moon bounce, Israeli food, culture, learned Krav-Maga, and most importantly felt...
Zion Uness, an Ethiopian Israeli, speaks at the University of Miami
Despite final exams, about 30 students attended a talk by Zion Uness, hosted by our CAMERA Fellow Abir Gitlin at the University of Miami. Zion Uness spoke about how as a Jewish Ethiopian refugee who crossed Sudan on foot, he lived in a refugee camp, and then was airlifted to Israel. After serving...
Smith Israel Alliance hosts Israel Peace Week
All over the county, our CCAP groups have been putting on impressive events celebrating Israel in honor of Yom Haatzmaut/Israel Independence Day. The Smith Israel Alliance recently hosted their wonderful annual Israel Peace Week, which includes covering the campus quad with a banner about Israel’s positive achievements. Read in The...
Sderot, Israel: Spread the Word
Contributed by CAMERA Intern Rebecca Pritzker: 15: The siren sounds. 14: Paralyzing panic. Frozen fingertips and suspended motion. 13: Mayhem. 12: Chaos. 11: Pandemonium. 10: Running. Everyone is running. 9: Children scurrying. Parents herding and carrying them. 8: Where is the nearest shelter? 7: Will I make it? 6: Will...
Reflections from the Battlefield at the University of Miami
On April 16, Abir Gitlin, the University of Miami CAMERA Fellow, hosted an event commemorating Yom HaZikaron- Israeli Memorial Day titled “Reflections from the Battlefield.” Abir noted, “For the first time in thousands of years, the people of Israel have an army that fights for the security of free Jews in their...
The Media Behind the Martyrs: Hamas, Hezbollah, The PA, and the al-Manar Television Scandal
On April 8th at NYU, about 50 students attended a talk by Middle East expert Avi Jorisch. The talk, “The Media Behind the Martyrs: Hamas, Hezbollah, The PA, and the al-Manar Television Scandal” was hosted by CAMERA Fellow Blair Newman. Avi Jorisch spoke about how terror organizations use the media to...
Israel: The Perpetual Homeland
Contributed by CAMERA Intern, Rebecca Pritzker: “A 21st Century Exodus: Dina’s Journey From Alexandria to Jerusalem” summarizes Dina Ovadia’s heartwarming life story – a story filled with harsh rejection, displacement, and eventually, homecoming. Dina Ovadia was born and raised in Alexandria, Egypt. She, like many other Egyptian children, went to...
Sun Devils for Israel Peace Week
Campuses across the US recently held Yom Haatzmaut and Israel Peace Week Celebrations to celebrate Israel’s 65th Birthday and Israel’s love for peace. Sun Devils for Israel, a CCAP group at Arizona State University, put on a full week’s worth of events (below), including this incredible giant chalk board. Read...