< 1 minute read

Meet our 23 CAMERA Fellows

Currently underway is the annual CAMERA Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference, in which student leaders from throughout the Americas, 23 of them CAMERA Fellows, come together to learn about Israel. The 23 Fellows selected this year hail from places such as Uruguay, Canada, and from across the United States....

2 minute read

Magic carpet ride: Yemen to Israel

On Wednesday evening, the Jewish Agency helped board four Jews from Yemen to Israel from the city of Radda in Yemen on a secret flight. Another group, which had previously been declined entry to the UK and brought to Argentina instead, joined them. These Yemenites are now finally able to call...

2 minute read

Minorities Serving in the IDF

The abbreviation IDF (Israel Defense Forces) usually conjures images of Israeli commandos or special forces. What a lot of people don’t know about the IDF is that in addition to Jews, many other minorities also serve in the IDF. While some participate in National Service, many also serve in combat...

< 1 minute read

The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages

The Palestinian TV show the BBC will not tell you about Despite having shown a keen interest in Palestinian TV shows recently, the BBC has not reported on cash prizes for denial of Israel’s existence in a PA TV Ramadan special. (BBC Watch) BBC’s Donnison returns – with an old...

< 1 minute read

Israel on Campus Coalition

Gilad Skolnick, a CAMERA Regional Campus Coordinator, returned this Tuesday from speaking at the Grinspoon-Morningstar Internship National Training, located right outside Washington D.C. There he led a writing workshop and taught students about bias in the media. Students learned how to better spot inaccuracies, tips on getting published, and worked on...

< 1 minute read

The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages

Violence and hate in a TV movie broadcasted by the official PA TV channel Yassin and Abu Yasser play the main roles in a movie where Palestinian kids and adolescents attack a gruop of Israelis. (ReVista de Medio Oriente) EFE: highest score in activism The victim has a name too:...

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