< 1 minute read

The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages

The Palestinian TV show the BBC will not tell you about Despite having shown a keen interest in Palestinian TV shows recently, the BBC has not reported on cash prizes for denial of Israel’s existence in a PA TV Ramadan special. (BBC Watch) BBC’s Donnison returns – with an old...

< 1 minute read

Israel on Campus Coalition

Gilad Skolnick, a CAMERA Regional Campus Coordinator, returned this Tuesday from speaking at the Grinspoon-Morningstar Internship National Training, located right outside Washington D.C. There he led a writing workshop and taught students about bias in the media. Students learned how to better spot inaccuracies, tips on getting published, and worked on...

< 1 minute read

The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages

Violence and hate in a TV movie broadcasted by the official PA TV channel Yassin and Abu Yasser play the main roles in a movie where Palestinian kids and adolescents attack a gruop of Israelis. (ReVista de Medio Oriente) EFE: highest score in activism The victim has a name too:...

< 1 minute read

CAMERA Students and Staff at Israel Amplified 2013 Conference

On August 7 and 8, CAMERA Senior Campus Coordinator Samantha R. Mandeles and Regional Campus Coordinator Gilad Skolnick participated at the 2013 annual AEPi Israel Amplified Conference in New York City!  Part of the conference included a Partners Fair, where representatives from each co-sponsoring organization gave away materials and talked...

2 minute read

Arab TV Shows Incite Anti-Semitism

Anti-Israel and anti-Semitic statements are frequent on both children’s and adult TV shows from Arab and Muslim countries. In continuing to exploit Disney-like or even Disney characters to disseminate anti-Semitic propaganda, the Algemeiner and Jerusalem Post reported that the self-described “official voice of Donald Duck in the Middle East” declared...

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