3 minute read

A Tough Legacy for a Tougher Man

This piece was written by Alisa Rudy and first published in “The Ticker.” Alisa is a junior majoring in Middle East Studies at Baruch College, and is the current President of the CCAP group Youth Organization For Israel, Baruch’s student pro-Israel club. Whenever a noteworthy figure passes away, the entire social network...

2 minute read

Jon Haber Relaunches His Blog

Jon of Divest This has relaunched his blog. Read his first entry below: so did I miss anything? Sorry for the hiatus. It was mostly work related, although as I mentioned as Divest This! was winding down last year, it’s not clear that a blog (with its reverse chronological nature) is the...

2 minute read

UMass Amherst Chancellor Condemns Academic Boycotts of Israel

AMHERST, Mass. – The following is a statement from University of Massachusetts Amherst Chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy regarding the call for an academic boycott of Israel: “The University of Massachusetts Amherst is opposed to academic boycotts of any kind. The current boycott of academic institutions in Israel by several academic associations...

< 1 minute read

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

 What Martin Luther King Jr. had to say about Israel:   Online misconceptions on Martin Luther King Jr. and Israel: Electronic Intifada Continues to Struggle With Quotations MLK on Peace, Israeli Security and Anti-Zionism Hoax: Martin Luther King’s “Letter to an anti-Zionist Friend”

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