3 minute read

Thankful to CAMERA

By Jemmie Tejeda, Clark University CAMERA Israel Trip 2014 participant Weeks before embarking on my first trip to Israel with the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, family and friends came together to advise me of the perils I would encounter on my trip to the Middle...

5 minute read

Israel: The Start Up Nation

By 2014 Israel Trip participant, Nikki Keister, of the College of William and Mary Quick, answer three questions for me. What country has the highest ratio of university degrees in its population? What country has the highest concentration of startups in the world? What country has more companies listed on...

5 minute read

Settlements and Law

ARE SETTLEMENTS REALLY ILLEGAL? WRITTEN BY ELISA GREENBERG THE FOURTH GENEVA CONVENTION Reuters, BBC, and The Guardian are among a number of mainstream media outlets that often claim Israel illegally occupies Judea and Samaria (also known as the West Bank of Jordan) and illegally occupied Gaza before Israel’s 2005 unilateral withdrawal from 21 settlements (8,500...

2 minute read

Chloe Valdary: Let Us Give Thanks

This piece was contributed by CAMERA consultant, Chloe Simone Valdary. Chloe is the founder of Allies of Israel, CAMERA’s CCAP group at the University of New Orleans. When Anat Berko visited Tulane University a few weeks ago, she gave a message that was fundamentally pro-Palestinian. She spoke of how Palestinian women...

4 minute read

Redefining The Lines

A version of this piece was originally published in The Claremont Independent by CAMERA Fellow Elliott Hamilton on November 23rd 2014.  After spending nine months in the State of Israel, Bryan Turkel, a brother of Alpha Epsilon Pi and a proud Zionist, returned to Claremont McKenna with full intention of displaying his identity....

4 minute read

Keeping Track of Biased Professors

The AMCHA Initiative is an organization that monitors anti-Israel and anti-Semitic activity on college campuses. Judea Pearl, friend of CAMERA, professor at UCLA, and father of the tragically murdered journalist, Daniel Pearl, wrote this piece in support of the quest to monitor professors’ anti-Israel activity and keep a current list of...

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