2 minute read

Standing Up for TICP

Earlier this week, The Israeli Cartoon Project (TICP) posted a Buzzfeed listicle of “Ten Extremely Accurate Cartoons that Depict the Hypocrisy of BDS.” The article was posted to give readers an accurate perspective of Israel’s situation, as well as publicizing TICP’s display at YNet’s Anti-BDS Conference in Jerusalem that took place on Monday. However, the post was immediately taken...

2 minute read

UWindsor JSA Hosts Annual Shabbat Dinner

University of Windsor Emet for Israel group Jewish Students Association (JSA) hosted its Annual Shabbat Dinner event in February, and it was a huge success. JSA ordered kosher food, wine and other alcohol to give participants a taste of Jewish culture in a fun and social setting. Both Jewish and non-Jewish students took part...

2 minute read

Thank You for Condemning Anti-Semitism, UC

After numerous instances of anti-Semitism on University of California campuses, the UC Board of Regents formally adopted a statement condemning such behavior. This is the first public statement of its kind, which resulted in large part due to numerous instances of students committing acts of antisemitism on campus, often under the guise...

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