2 minute read

UNC has an antisemitism problem

2024 is a scary time to be a Jewish college student. Hillel International published that antisemitic incidents on university campuses have increased 700 percent following Oct. 7, while the Anti-Defamation League reported in November 2023 that 73 percent of the Jewish students surveyed had experienced or witnessed some form of antisemitism since the...

3 minute read

Binghamton students must categorically reject BDS

The campaign calling for the State University of New York system to adopt Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) must be categorically rejected. “SUNY BDS”, an insidious unauthorized campaign run by students, faculty, and staff members on State University of New York (SUNY) campuses seeks to defame the world’ s only Jewish...

2 minute read

Hamas: Latest Darling of Social Justice Undergrads

Since its deadly attack on October 7, Hamas and its supporters have been waging a global propaganda campaign. That campaign has found particular success on college campuses, where “progressive” students have embraced “Free Palestine” protests and even celebrated the brutal October 7 attack publicly. A Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll found that...

4 minute read

Know your rights as a UK student on campus

Jonathan Turner, the chief executive lawyer for UK Lawyers for Israel, works to tackle injustices relating to Israel. Since October 7th, anti-Israel and antisemitic incidents targeting students have continued to escalate with little intervention from university administrators. Jonathan was interviewed by CAMERA on Campus UK to help Jewish and Zionist...

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