Last month, delegates at a National Union of Students (NUS) conference voted to stop recognising the Union of Jewish Students (UJS) in a non-binding resolution over their support for Israel.

This vote epitomizes the hostile climate, in which Jewish students across the UK are subjected to hate speech, violence and institutionalised discrimination by faculty, student groups and now, nationalised student unions for their support for Israel.

Those who voted for the exclusion should know that we will continue to expose the double standard levied against Jews and the world’s only Jewish state through this vote.

We are also disappointed by NUS’ attempt to justify this an effort to “take the temperature”.

Though an apology has been issued, this does not mean it has changed the opinions of those who voted for this exclusion of UJS from the NUS. We hope appropriate actions will be taken against those who voted in favor of excluding UJS from the NUS.

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