Over the last month, CAMERA’s Campus Coordinators have been busy traveling across the country to visit students, network, and attend conferences.
Last week, Campus Coordinator Alex Rittenberg visited Indiana University, University of Miami (Ohio), Ohio University, the Ohio State University, and the University of Cincinnati. On her travels, Alex said, “Each campus has so many exciting events coming up this semester. At every campus, I was able to see how the different groups interacted with each other and see the passion for Israel behind each of groups. It was fantastic to be able to “officially” meet in-person with many different members of our CAMERA-supported groups after having only previously spoken to them over the phone!” She is looking forward to seeing the progress and the successes that happen in the remainder of the semester.
At the end of February, Campus Coordinator Liel Asulin made his first trip to North Carolina to visit UNC-Chapel Hill, Elon University, and East Carolina University. On his travels, Liel said, “It was such a pleasure to finally meet all of the wonderful students we work with in North Carolina. I also didn’t mind the break from Boston’s snowy winter! Hearing first hand from students about their goals for the remainder of the school year reinvigorated me and sent me back to Boston with the motivation to do my best on behalf of our wonderful student leaders!”
Earlier this week, members of the campus team including Aviva Slomich, Hali Haber, Tatiana Becker, and Ben Suster attended the annual AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington D.C. On Sunday, the staff hosted a reception which was attended by over 200 people. Author and IDF sharpshooter Izzy Ezagui spoke at the reception and promoted his new book Disarmed.
Senior Campus Coordinator Tatiana Becker said of her experience at the conference, “I had the opportunity to personally and professionally connect with students from all over the country, some of whom I only get to see twice a year otherwise! It was very helpful to be there dealing with BDS campaigns popping up on certain campuses as well because I was able to meet and strategize with fellow professionals and students.”

Director of Campus Programming and Strategic Relationships Hali Haber attended AIPAC for the fourth time. She said, “This year, I attended sessions that expanded my knowledge on specific topics and provided important updates on various matters pertaining to Israel. I attended a session on progressive women and Zionism, Israel in the Media, and how to win on campus. I also attended AEPi’s reception on Monday evening. I was able to network with many of our students and also with other professionals from other Israel organizations.”

International Campus Director Aviva Slomich was honored to speak on a panel at the Policy Conference on the topic of Millenial Mobilization. The panelists discussed the growing divide amongst Millenials concerning their opinions on Israel and how to best educate new generations of pro-Israel students.
Contributed by CAMERA on Campus staff.