Bigotry never dies. Just as Hercules cut off Hydra’s head only to see it replaced by two more, the anti-Israel movement continues to morph into new forms of ignorance every time that it’s debunked by its greatest adversary: the factual truth. In discussions about Israel and the Middle East that...
An Open Letter on Israeli ‘Pinkwashing’ and True Discrimination Against the Arab Gay Community
The signatories of this letter seek to address an open letter sent to Eurovision’s Irish entrant, Sarah McTernan. The letter, signed by individuals such as David Norris and Ailbhe Smith, asks Ms. McTernan not to aid in Israel’s “pinkwashing” tactics. The Ireland Israel Alliance is saddened by the bullying that Sarah McTernan...
Will UMass Support Viewpoint Diversity or Political Propaganda?
On May 4, a panel entitled “Not Backing Down: Israel, Free Speech, and the Battle for Palestinian Human Rights” will be held at the University of Massachusetts. This panel, which was organized by the Media Education Foundation, seems to be designed to influence students into supporting a one-sided message against Israel....
Slamming ‘Zionists’ and ‘Zionism’ Writ Large at Harvard
On April 2, I attended Harvard University’s Palestine Solidarity Committee’s event titled “IAW 2019: Black-Palestinian Solidarity,” which was held during the university’s Israel Apartheid Week. The featured speakers —Temple University professor Marc Lamont Hill, Princeton University emeritus professor Cornell West and activist/attorney Dima Khalidi—spent nearly two hours regurgitating slander, conspiracy theories...
Student Assembly Must Reject Anti-Israel Boycott
Last month I, Avraham, poured my heart out in an article for The Sun, entitled “Rejecting Boycott, Extending an Olive Branch,” describing my deep connection to the State of Israel and pleading with Cornell Students for Justice in Palestine to “exchange points of view in a respectful manner, rather than...
Undergraduate Assembly Must Not Adopt Inaccurate and Misleading BDS Resolution
On April 11, the Student Assembly will vote on a Resolution submitted by Students for Justice in Palestine (Resolution 36). Much of Resolution 36 is deeply misleading and inaccurate. Resolution 36 must be rejected by the Student Assembly, which should not adopt a document which falls below basic academic standards....
What Makes a Healthy Democracy
Justin Trudeau has been facing a major scandal for his alleged role in the SNC Lavalin matter – thankfully, our country is having an open discussion about it. Jodie Wilson, the former Attorney General, accused Trudeau of helping SNC Lavalin evade possible criminal prosecution for their possible corrupt dealings in...
Dear Cornell University: ‘Reject BDS and Work for a Better World’
Four Jewish students at Cornell University, in a recent op-ed, called for a boycott against Israel. The authors make many false or misleading accusations, among the most despicable of them points they make regarding the Holocaust. The authors are correct that hundreds of thousands of heroic Jews died fighting Nazi Germany....