בזמן כתיבת שורות אלה סובלת ישראל מיותר מ -8,600 מקרים מאושרים של נגיף הקורונה (COVID-19) ו- 56 מקרי מוות, כאשר האזורים בשליטת הפלסטינים בגדה המערבית ובעזה דיווחו על יותר מ- 237 מקרים שאושרו ומוות אחד. אזור זה מאוכלס בצפיפות רבה עד כדי כך שהתפשטות הנגיף בלתי נמנע, אלא אם כן...
Amid Global Pandemic, Israel and PA Find Ways to Cooperate
At the time of this writing, Israel has suffered more 8,600 confirmed cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and counted 56 deaths, with the Palestinian administered areas of the West Bank and Gaza reporting more than 237 confirmed cases with at least one confirmed death. This region of the world is so densely...
Peace and Violence in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Response
On February 7, Noor Almaslamani published an article titled “A Stateless State? Palestine…to Where?” in which she states that “Palestinians have been trying to implement a peace plan with the Israelis for so long now.” This claim does not account for the many decades in which the Palestinian leadership has...
70-Plus Faculty Members Thank Columbia University President for Battling BDS Vote
More than 70 Columbia faculty members have signed a letter thanking university president Lee Bollinger for expressing opposition ahead of an undergraduate student referendum next month calling on the university to divest from companies doing business in Israel. The 74 faculty members, as of Monday, signed the open letter—organized by the Academic Engagement Network (AEN)—to...
More Hatred From Students for Justice in Palestine
There is a deeply disturbing pattern within the anti-Zionist movement of devaluing Jewish and Israeli lives. Wholly convinced of the irredeemably evil nature of the Jewish state, many anti-Israel activists display a callous indifference toward antisemitic violence perpetrated between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. The ensuing devastation to...
Even in a Pandemic, Columbia Students Promote BDS
Why, at an institution of higher learning, do intelligent students feel free to indulge themselves in such outright aggressions against their peers? In part, surely, because of the license, tacit or explicit, given them by their professors. In part, too, because they are unafraid of a backlash from their peers....
תנועת החרם על ישראל היא גזענית ואלימה
ב- 27 בינואר הזמינה קהילת הסטודנטים של קינגס קולג’ בלונדון את עומר ברגותי, ממייסדיי תנועת החרם האנטישמית תנועת ה- BDS, לשאת דברים בפאנל נגד גזענות. BDS היא כיום, התנועה האקטיביסטית הפרו-פלסטינית הגדולה בעולם, מקדמת אינספור צעדות בינלאומיות והפגנות בקמפוסים באוניברסיטה. למרות שמדובר באופן רשמי בתנועה לא אלימה, היא שואפת להשמיד...
Why This Christian Supports the Jews and Israel
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who served as a Christian Pastor in Germany during the 1930s, once said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.” Bonhoeffer’s courageous actions later breathed existence into his words, as he tenaciously fought alongside other opponents of the Nazi regime to save Jewish families during the...