Remember the recent controversy involving the hateful tweets of potential UIUC Professor Steven Salaita? We do, too. Salaita is a former Virginia Tech professor who was offered a tenure-track position at UICU. The appointment was withdrawn after Salaita’s tweets blaming Israel for anti-semitism and conflating Israel with Nazism came to...
Update: We Say NO to the “Blood Bucket Challenge!”
We will not give up! CAMERA follows up with the president of the University of Ohio, asking him to make a strong statement condemning the academic boycott of Israel, and a commitment to fighting lies on campus. Our two letters to the administration are reproduced in full, below: Oct. 8,...
Prez of CCAP Group at UC Irvine Publishes Article on Israel
After witnessing a summer full of media bias against Israel, Sharon Shoulian, the president of our CCAP– supported organization at UC Irvine, Anteaters for Israel, decided to set the record straight with her own piece on Israel’s summer operation in Gaza. Sharon’s piece was recently published in the New University....
Responding to Talk-Back Haters
In September, our letter about the “Blood-bucket challenge” at the University of Ohio was published in the University paper. Predictably, comments on the article included mendacious, anti-Israel accusations. Our analysts decided not to let these lies slide, and so wrote a response to the talk-backs. if you’ve ever been...
CAMERA Washington Director’s Letter to Rice University
This past September, a Rice University professor of History, Ussama Makdisi, has been particularly active in spewing and publishing anti-Israel vitriol, but our Washington, D.C. area branch has been active in combating his lies! Check out the letter CAMERA sent to the university administration, the full text of which...
Observant Jewish Student Laughed Out of SJP Meeting For Going to Pray
Joshua Seed, a student at SUNY Binghamton and a member of our CCAP- supported group, BUZO, was recently mocked by SJP members for the sin of leaving a meeting to go pray. Joshua, who attends SJP meetings regularly to become familiar with SJP’s narrative, was so appalled at the blatant...
Allies of Israel at UNO
On September 23rd, our CCAP- supported group Allies of Israel at University of New Orleans spent the day tabling with CAMERA materials and apples and honey to bring in the Jewish New Year! Check out some of their amazing photos below! We are so proud of our amazing students!...
In 1982, PLO Knew of Israeli Aversion to Civilian Casualties
A 2003 American Army Field Manual (FM 3-06) on combat in cities and built up areas, titled “Urban Operations” analyzes the Israeli Army’s siege of Beirut in 1982, which was targeted at removing the PLO from Lebanon. Paragraph A-7 states: “The PLO knew of the Israeli aversion to causing civilian...