Ethan Kassar

American University
Articles by Ethan

Ethan Kassar is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow currently pursuing a degree in Political Science with a certificate in Political Theory along with a minor in Israel studies at American University in Washington DC. Originally from San Diego, Ethan also holds leadership positions within Students Supporting Israel and AmeriPAC.

David King

Bates College
Articles by David

David King is a driven 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow studying Physics at Bates College, who is deeply passionate about quantum mechanics, computational physics, and making a positive impact in his community and beyond. With a blend of scientific curiosity and a commitment to social causes, David seeks to leverage his analytic skills by actively engaging in pro-Israel activism.

Adam Horowitz

SUNY Binghamton
Articles by Adam

Adam Horowitz is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus Fellow studying Industrial & Systems Engineering at Binghamton University. Currently residing in NYC, Adam is an alumnus of Ramaz, and the Bar Ilan Israel Experience.

Angelina Palumbo

SUNY Binghamton
Articles by Angelina

Angelina Palumbo is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and an active member in the Jewish community at SUNY Binghamton Through garnering a commanding presence on social media and her work as the Vice President of the Jewish Student Union as well as the President and Founder of Students Supporting Israel, Angelina uses her voice to advocate for Israel both on and off campus.

Josef Kay

Brandeis University
Articles by Josef

Josef Kay is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and student at Brandeis University where he plans to pursue majors in International and Global Studies as well as Near Eastern and Judaic Studies originally from Bethesda, Maryland, Josef is a member of the Brandeis Israel Public Affairs Committee board and has a passion for studying Hebrew, Jewish history and reading about current events.

Hannah Curtis

City University of London
Articles by Hannah

Hannah Curtis is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow who is a committed and enthusiastic Zionist studying speech-language pathology at City University of London, where she also acts as president of the Israel Society. As president, she has gained ample experience planning educational events, engaging in open dialogue, and hosting cultural exchanges on her campus about Israel’s culture, history, and geopolitical situation. Hannah strives to play a significant role in encouraging a balanced viewpoint on Israel among her peers because of her enthusiasm for campaigning and education.

Jacqueline Snidman-Stren

Concordia University
Articles by Jacqueline

Jacqueline Snidman-Stren is 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and an undergraduate student studying Judaic Studies and Law at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. She has worked and volunteered with numerous Jewish organizations for countless establishments in order to give back to the Jewish community. She has also garnered ample experience writing professionally for organizations in the private sector.

Andrew Galitzer

Drexel University
Articles by Andrew

Andrew Galitzer, also known as ANDiDREW, is a modern Orthodox Jewish 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow studying Engineering and Design at Drexel University and is passionate about teaching through comics. In 2022, he published his Torah Comic Book which has since been used by schools and shuls around the world to teach Torah to children!

Sivan Nemirof

Duke University
Articles by Sivan

Sivan Nemirof is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and a sophomore at Duke University. Born in New York City, Sivan recently completed the Kivunim gap year program in Jerusalem where he gained a strong appreciation for how critical the land and state of Israel is to the Jewish people. Sivan is also an accomplished cellist, having performed at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center with the New York Youth Symphony.

Brandon Ostfeld

Florida State University
Articles by Brandon

Brandon Ostfeld is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and dynamic finance student at Florida State University, where he also serves as the treasurer of the Chabad. With a robust blend of entrepreneurial spirit and a rigorous work ethic, he is deeply committed to educating others on Israel and combating misinformation.

Roni Adler

Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Articles by Roni

Roni Adler is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow at Hebrew University and a Tel Aviv University honors MBA graduate.

Aden Kosoi

Oxnard College
Articles by Aden

Aden Kosoi is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and he is studying to be a paralegal at Oxnard College. He is also the co-founder and Director of EndJewHatred’s California chapter. He advocates online and on the ground for Israel and Jewish civil rights. When he isn’t at rallies or events you can find him reading about geopolitics and philosophy.

Rachel Applefield

Indiana University
Articles by Rachel

Rachel Applefield is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and a Junior at Indiana University studying Law and Public Policy with a minor in Social Welfare Advocacy. As the former president of IU Hillel, Rachel represented over 5,000 students on campus while managing campus relations to bring her advocacy skills as a Jewish leader to her campus.

Patrick Schenker

King’s College London
Articles by Patrick

Patrick Schenker is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow and third-year Politics student at King’s College London. Having lived in 4 countries with different political and social realities and being fluent in 4 languages, Patrick became very aware of his surroundings. He developed a great interest in politics and international relations to understand the world better.

Gideon Askowitz

Macaulay Honors College
Articles by Gideon

Gideon Askowitz is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and a second-year student at Macaulay Honors College at Hunter College, where he studies Economics and Political Science. As a passionate advocate for Western values and Israel, Gideon aims to become a constitutional litigator.

Yael Gabbaizadeh

New York University
Articles by Yael

Yael Gabbaizadeh is a 2024-2025 CAMERA Fellow at New York University. As a board member of the New Zionist Congress at NYU, Yael has shown her passion for changing the anti-Zionist rhetoric that exists on campus and is determined to educate students who have fallen prey to the misinformation regarding Israel.

Andre Huynh

Oral Roberts University
Articles by Andre

Andre Huynh is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and a sophomore pursuing a BA in International Relations with a minor in French at Oral Roberts University. Through his roles as President of the John Quincy Adams Society Chapter and as an International Relations student ambassador, he has ample experience organizing Israel events on campus and promoting unbiased reporting of Israel and the Middle East.

Sarit Katz

Queens College CUNY
Articles by Sarit

Sarit Katz is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and has been a Zionist from birth. Whether it’s spending her time in Hebrew University completing the Nitzavim Fellowship or hanging up posters as the education chair of SSI at Queens College, Sarit intends to spread the true history of Israel and debunk the false anti-Israel narrative currently dominating college campuses.

Brendon Cohen

Rowan University
Articles by Brendon

Brendon Cohen is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and a rising senior at Rowan University majoring in Radio, Television, and Film. Brendan enjoys writing, playing video games, and making graphics for his school newspaper The Whit.

Ben Stern

Rutgers University – New Brunswick
Articles by Ben

Ben Stern is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and a rising sophomore studying political science at Rutgers University. He is also the co-Social Media Chair for the Students Supporting Israel chapter at Rutgers.

Raz Manash

Tel Aviv University
Articles by Raz

Raz Manash is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and a student at Tel Aviv University studying digital media, he has demonstrated a keen interest in the realms of communication and foreign relations. Hailing from Haifa, Raz’s passion for digital media and commitment to understanding the intricacies of communication and foreign relations form the basis for his dedication to personal and academic growth.

Ethan Lenkin

Tulane University
Articles by Tulane

Ethan Lenkin is a 2024-2025 CAMERA Fellow and sophomore at Tulane University with a double major in Political Science & Political Economy and minor in U.S Public Policy. He is an executive board member of Tulane Students Supporting Israel, a Views editor for the Tulane Hullabaloo, and is learning to be an attorney on Tulane’s mock trial legal team. He looks forward to actively fighting against antisemitism.

Dani Port

University of Arts, London
Articles by Dani

Dani Port is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and a journalism student at the University of the Arts London. As an Israel native who grew up in London, she has maintained a deep connection to her homeland, where her family still lives. Her proud Jewish and Zionist identity is reflected in her passion for history and her committment to fostering a safe environment on campus for Jewish students, as well as her desire to combat antisemitism and dispel misinformation about Israel.

Shelly Khaikin

University of California, San Diego
Articles by Shelly

Shelly Khaikin is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and an Israeli-American student at UCSD, pursuing studies in International Economics. With a deep passion for Israel and democracy, Shelly is committed to fostering understanding and advocacy for Israel on campus and beyond. Through her academic pursuits and active involvement in Israel-related organizations, she seeks to promote informed dialogue and cross-cultural exchange, embodying a dedication to promoting peace, justice, and mutual respect in the Middle East and beyond.

Molly Seghi

University of Florida
Articles by Molly

Molly Seghi is a second-year journalism student at the University of Florida and a 2024-2025 CAMERA Fellow. She currently serves as the Director of Communications and Creative Outreach at Students Supporting Israel at UF where she created “Beyond the Borders”, a student-run and written pro-Israel publication. She is also an active and outspoken member of the campus’s Hillel and Chabad.

Zane Shapiro

University of South Florida
Articles by Zane

Zane Shapiro is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and a strong fighter for Israel and the Jewish people. He is currently majoring in Environmental Science and Policy at the University of South Florida where he also works to promote the conservation of endangered exotic wildlife. After graduating, he plans on making Aliyah to Israel and join the IDF.

Farid Shukurlu

University of Hull
Articles by Farid

Farid Shukurlu is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and a law student at the University of Hull. From Azerbaijan to the United Kingdom, he has worked tirelessly as a strong supporter of Israel as a vocal advocate for barring BDS and other antisemitic establishments from university campuses. Farid believes that it is very important to continue standing up for the State of Israel and its right to defend itself!

Alyssa Wallack

University of Southern California
Articles by Alyssa

Alyssa Wallack is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and a public relations and marketing student at the University of Southern California. A passionate Jewish community leader and advocate with over 4 years of experience in campus engagement, Alyssa serves as the president of Chabad at USC where she develops dynamic cultural events and leads immersive trips to Israel. Through her work leveraging her marketing expertise and deep understanding of Jewish life, Alyssa dedicates her time to empowering diverse Jewish students and facilitating nuanced dialogue on complex issues facing Jewish communities.

Molly Phillips

University of Exeter
Articles by Molly

As a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and student at the University of Exeter, Molly Phillips is not only committed to her studies of Sociology and Modern Languages, but also to the education of the State of Israel to her peers. She is on a mission to share her belief in the prolonged existence of the state of Israel to the world. After visiting Israel for the first time in 2023, she has felt a longing to return and an obligation to transform the way the general public has been informed about the country. .

Chloe Baker

Yeshiva University
Articles by Chloe

Chloe Baker is a 2024-2025 CAMERA on Campus fellow and a junior at Yeshiva University majoring in English with a concentration in Journalism. A passionate writer interested in Israeli national security and modern Zionism, she serves as an editor for the YU Observer and aims to use her voice and social media platforms to educate her followers about Israel and what it means to be a Zionist. After completing her degree, she hopes to attend graduate school in Israel and make Aliyah.

Rikki Zagelbaum

Yeshiva University
Articles by Rikki

Rikki Zagelbaum is a 2024-2025 CAMERA fellow and rising junior, pursuing a degree in Media Studies at Yeshiva University. She is a passionate Zionist and an aspiring journalist, currently serving as junior news editor of The Commentator, one of YU’s campus papers. Rikki hopes to work out of Israel one day, combating misinformation and hatred in the media.

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