4 minute read

A flailing assault on Israel by the Case Western Reserve University student government

A recent Case Western Reserve University Observer editorial accuses the university’s President Eric Kaler of promoting “falsity” and being “misinformed” about the BDS resolution recently adopted by the Undergraduate Student Government (USG). We agree that facts must be central to any discussion of the resolution and the conflict in general. This is why...

3 minute read

Are Middle Eastern Studies Biased?

Education was a field I chose to study because I wanted to teach history and other people’s narratives in an empathetic way. However, this has not been presently happening in many of America’s universities. Professors in many departments are teaching about Israel in their classrooms at campuses across America. Though,...

21 minute read

Campus Anxiety

Note from the editor of the CAMERA on Campus Blog: This article was written and published by Aaron Bandler, a reporter for the Jewish Journal (Los Angeles). CAMERA on Campus is proud to share their incredible work with our readers. Pollster Frank Luntz held a focus group of 23 Jewish...

12 minute read

November 2024: Mizrahi Stories

Students on campuses everywhere participated in this year’s annual Mizrahi Stories ca   CAMERA on Campus Leads Successful Mizrahi Stories Campaign and National Tour with Yemenite Jewish Activist Adiel Cohen This November, CAMERA on Campus concluded an inspiring nationwide tour with Adiel Cohen, a prominent social media activist and storyteller....

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