James L. Gelvin
Gelvin’s book exemplifies the colonialist narrative, which denies the central role of religious ideology and ethnic bigotry as the source of enduring Arab-Islamic enmity toward the Jewish state. It ignores or dismisses as irrelevant the torrent of hateful rhetoric directed at Jews in mosques, schools, bookstores, television, newspapers and from government officials. Instead, according to University of California professor James L. Gelvin “The problem is, simply put, a dispute over real estate.”

Like Dreamers, My Promise Land
Yossi Klein Halevi, Ari Shavit
Two acclaimed new books about Israel betray a disquieting lack of moral confidence in their subject and its story. A further casualty of Shavit’s book is journalism’s commitment to truth. Forecasts of doom are glaringly absent just where they are needed—and nowhere more so than in the section where Shavit describes how in the early 1990s he and his leftist political camp decided to bring “Peace, Now” by obscuring the declared intentions of Israel’s enemies.

Radical Christianity in Palestine and Israel
Dexter Van Zile
Radical Christianity is proffered as an analysis of Palestinian liberation theology but amounts to little more than a laudatory and exculpatory summary of a movement that portrays Jewish sovereignty as the greatest obstacle to peace and justice in the Middle East.

Arab Voices
James Zogby
As James Zogby says, what the Arab voices are saying to us certainly matters. However, Zogby’s Arab Voices largely ignores the most ominous Arab (and other Muslim) voices – those of crowds from London to Aden screaming in unison “Jihad, Jihad” and “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”– including those on Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. This book purports to be aimed at clarifying Arab and Muslim attitudes regarding the September 11, 2001 attacks on America, and the War on Terror including the Iraq war. But it ignores the voices of the Arab/Islamic world’s majority proclaiming the erroneous belief that the 9/11 attacks were actually perpetrated by the CIA and Israel’s Mossad, not Arab terrorists.

Body of Secrets
James Bamford
In this recent book, James Bamford argues that during the Six Day War, Israel intentionally attacked a US spy ship, the USS Liberty. Bamford’s unreliable evidence and illogical argumentation further discredit his claim.

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
Ilan Pappé
In his book, Pappé attributes a harsh quote about treatment of Arabs to David Ben-Gurion. The quote is unreliable, however, as none of the sources that Pappé cites contain it.

How Israel Lost: The Four Questions
Richard Ben Cramer
In his book, Cramer resorts to flippant, oversimplified arguments, which condemn Israel for the lack of peace. The book is filled with bias, numerous distortions, and sloppy errors, rather than objective, methodical research.

The Invention of the Jewish People
Shlomo Sand
In his book, Sand’s mission is to prove invalid the foundation of Zionism – the idea of a Jewish state built on a Jewish ancestral homeland — and to promote instead the idea of a single non-Jewish state of Arabs and Jews. He undermines the legitimacy of the Jewish state and the ancient Jewish people.

The Israel Test
George Gilder
Hostility toward Jews and Israel is rooted in envy. Gilder bluntly asserts that Jews do well in capitalist economies because of their commitment to learning and achievement, rooted in their adherence to ethical monotheism.

Palestine: Peace not Apartheid
Jimmy Carter
Former President Carter’s book was fraught with falsehoods about and misrepresentations of Israel, yielding much criticism. CAMERA has compiled a more detailed and inclusive list of factual errors from Carter’s book and media appearances.

Saving Israel: How the Jewish People Can Win a War That May Never End
Daniel Gordis
Daniel Gordis offers up suggestions as to what Israel must think and do in order to survive. In the process of presenting a new defense of the Jewish state, Gordis debunks pernicious myths about American Jews, Israeli Arabs, the prospects of land for peace, and Judaism’s position on fighting wars.

Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle
Dan Senor, Saul Singer
The authors examine why Israel, six-decades young and beset by wars, Arab boycotts and a lack of natural resources, has nevertheless become an economic powerhouse and an international leader in technology and innovations.

The Trouble With Textbooks: Distorting History And Religion
Gary A. Tobin, Dennis R. Ybarra
According to the recently released The Trouble with Textbooks: Distorting History and Religion, textbooks commonly used in America’s schools are misinforming K-12 students about subjects ranging from history to religion and politics.

Whose Land? Whose Promise? What Christians Are Not Being Told about Israel and the Palestinians
Gary M. Burge
Rev. Dr. Burge’s book is a compendium of factual errors, misstatements, omissions and distortions that portray the modern state of Israel in an inaccurate manner. These inaccuracies include incorrect quotations, false portrayals of how Israel treats her Arab citizens, and mischaracterizations of terrorist organizations. The judgement of those who published and afterwards embraced the book is called into question.