3 minute read

Anti-Semitism is Everywhere but Belongs Nowhere

Contributed by CAMERA Fellow Ali Jabick. Ali is the Fellow at the University of Connecticut. This piece was originally published in The Daily Campus on April 6th, 2015. I recently spoke to my friend who is currently studying abroad in London about her experiences. Due to anti-Semitic sentiment and violent attacks in Europe, she...

4 minute read

Hamas is to Blame, Not Israel

The following was written by Josh Dienstman, a 2013-2014 CAMERA Fellow. Published originally on August 6th in the Triangle – The Independent Student Newspaper at Drexel University. Josh is a member of Drexel’s CCAP group (CAMERA supported pro-Israel student group), Dragons for Israel. The Israel Defense Forces launched Operation Protective Edge against Hamas...

4 minute read

My Life Has Taken an Interesting Turn

Hello, my name is Tatiana Rose Becker and I am a Zionist. That is not one of the first things people learn about me, but it is definitely the most important. It was not always this way. I grew up in a household that valued the Jewish culture over the...

3 minute read

What Makes a Rainbow Beautiful?

Throughout the past month, there have been several groundbreaking decisions made within Israel’s society that will continue to affect people worldwide for generations to come. Most specifically, it seems as if the Sephardi population in Israel is beginning to gain global notoriety, validating years of effort by the Israeli government...

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