Without organizations like CAMERA on Campus, the media’s “objectives” would almost certainly go unchecked and ultimately distort students’ perspectives. Sadly, the FSView’s coverage of Yair Ansbacher’s event is just one example among many worldwide of media bias and the dangers of misleading reporting. —Brandon Ostfeld, 2024-2025 CAMERA Fellow at Florida State University.
Hosting antisemites on college campuses endangers students
Francesca Albanese’s anti-Israel address to students at a London university raised concerns among Jewish students and the broader Jewish community. U.N. Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese, widely known for her antisemitic and anti-Israel views, recently visited the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her presence raised significant concerns in Jewish...
פרופ’ מאוניברסיטת ת”א האשים את ישראל בפשעי מלחמה
מאחורי המסכה של “עומדים ביחד”
Critical reviews of Israel-related books and films by CAMERA researchers, and more.