8 minute read

Highlights: A Year in Review – 2019

"CAMERA welcomes the strengthened legal measures that will enable Jewish students to enjoy the same protections as others. It's important to note that the legal effort against campus antisemitism began in 2004 with a "Dear colleague letter" from the Office of Civil Rights, and was underscored in 2010 with another...

5 minute read

Discrimination at the Temple Mount

While the rising conflict at the Temple Mount may be half a world away for Western civilization, the conflict prevails to be more relatable than it appears. The Temple Mount remains a holy site for Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Although all three groups want access to the holy site for...

4 minute read

A Liberal Case for Eurovision in Israel

Last October, an Israeli couple bought some jewelry at Paris Orly Airport. Leaving the store, the two noticed a strange and seemingly innocuous error on their receipt: it stated that their destination – Israel’s Ben-Gurion Airport, located in northern Lod just 12 miles away from Tel Aviv’s city center –...

4 minute read

UNIFIL’s Failure to Halt Hezbollah’s Tunnel Construction Reflects Inherent Institutional Bias

While the United Nations Interim Front in Lebanon has emphasized Israel’s protection from Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, newfound evidence has demonstrated otherwise. UNIFIL is an international peacekeeping effort created to initiate Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon in 1978, but has evolved to promote stability within the Lebanese and Israeli governments. However,...

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