3 minute read

“The Wrong Kind of Jew”: How the Erasure of Mizrahi Jews Shifts the Narrative about the Jewish People

This November, many within the Jewish community observed Mizrahi Heritage Month, a time dedicated to bringing visibility to a historically underrepresented Jewish demographic in the Western world, the Jews of North Africa and the Middle East. After the Jewish people were exiled from their ancestral homeland of Israel and entered...

4 minute read

Antisemitic Conversations with Friends: Academic Panel Dishonestly Promotes Bigotry as Knowledge

Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi’s tenure at San Francisco State University (SFSU) in the department for Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies (AMED) has been rife with antisemitism. She has attempted to connect students to terrorists, supported antisemitic activism, propagated antisemitic conspiracies about Jewish power, and unrepentantly compared the Jewish indigenous...

4 minute read

Antisemite & Intifada Supporter Mohammed El Kurd Invited to Speak at Duke University; Israelis Face Wave of Terror

A few months after Duke University’s Student Government (DSG) scandalously vetoed the recognition of a pro-Israel group on campus, they have managed to outdo themselves by funding a known antisemite speaker. Earlier this year, DSG rescinded its recognition of Duke’s SSI (Students Supporting Israel) chapter after the Duke SSI Instagram...

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