2 minute read

Israeli Bash Makes a Splash at ORU

Earlier this May, ORU United for Israel hosted their “Israeli Bash” event at Oral Roberts University. The group is a CAMERA-supported campus group run by Christian Zionist students. ORU United for Israel brought in a DJ and authentic Israeli musicians, adding the authenticity to the event that they were looking for.  The students’ ears perked...

9 minute read

Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land

In the words of the New York Times, a "pro-Palestinian documentary [that] presents a condensed argument in favor of prosecuting Israeli leaders in the court of American public opinion." And in order to achieve a conviction, the movie's producers and directors bury exculpatory evidence in a manner that would make...

2 minute read

Cougars Go to Israel

Contributed by CAMERA Intern Leeron Ofer: This past week, the College of Charleston, Kent State University, Cleveland State, Case Western and Skidmore joined together for a Taglit-Birthright trip in Israel. A few weeks before the trip I spoke to a few of the students going from the College of Charleston...

< 1 minute read

Falsely Reported Boycotts

Today, Agence France-Presse falsely reported that rock star Lenny Kravitz had canceled a planned visit to Israel in support of the anti-Israel boycott movement. As CAMERA’s Tamar Sternthal writes: “In a second questionable claim, AFP also reports ‘Other [boycott] ‘successes’ include Adidas dropping its sponsorship of the Jerusalem marathon in March after pressure from the...

20 minute read

Elusive Peace: Israel and the Arabs

As with so many previous BBC documentaries on the Middle East, the latest effort, Elusive Peace, is yet another wasted opportunity. As in its tendentious predecessors, Palestinian officials like Saeb Erekat are trotted out over and over again as disappointed peacemakers. The documentary also manages to interview not a single...

10 minute read

Occupation 101

This blanket excusal of violence introduces Occupation 101, a film designed to evoke sympathy for Palestinians and contempt for Israel. What follows is ninety minutes of indoctrination. Scenes of squalid refugee camps, Israeli soldiers confronting protesters, despairing Palestinian mothers and teary-eyed children serve as a backdrop to well-rehearsed indictments of...

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