17 minute read

2013-2014 Fellows

Back to Fellows Main Fellows  Ilan Bajarlia * Lauren Barney * Ian Campbell * Meytall Chernoff * Philip Chinitz * Alana Corre * Josh Dienstman * César Domingo * Nicole Einbinder * Madelyn Grant * Avia Gridi * Danielle Haberer * Brett Hausler * Justin Hayet * Ben Horowitz * Ben Kravis * Abraham Mercado  * Daniel Narvy  * Alisa Rudy * Michelle Soicher * Samantha Weinberg * John Wright * Andrew Wallin * Kayla Wold   Alabama State University John Wright is a Sophomore Finance Major at The...

< 1 minute read

Splitting Hairs

On July 4, 2013, Adly Mansour was sworn in as Egypt’s interim president. Since then, the Muslim Brotherhood, an extremely influential Islamic movement, has reported that a senior Arab member of the media has made claims that Mansour is of Jewish decent. According to The Alegemeiner, the person who made the...

3 minute read

Israel: The Modern Canary

Contributed by CAMERA Intern Rebecca Pritzker (en español) In the early ages of mining, coal miners brought canaries with them into the depths of the cavernous mines. As they mined, the brightly colored birds sang, filling the otherwise gloomy caves with cheerful song. As long as the birds continued to...

7 minute read

Arab Voices

As James Zogby says, what the Arab voices are saying to us certainly matters. However, Zogby's Arab Voices largely ignores the most ominous Arab (and other Muslim) voices – those of crowds from London to Aden screaming in unison “Jihad, Jihad” and “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”– including...

22 minute read

Palestine: Peace not Apartheid

Former President Carter's book was fraught with falsehoods about and misrepresentations of Israel, yielding much criticism. CAMERA has compiled a more detailed and inclusive list of factual errors from Carter’s book and media appearances.

20 minute read

Elusive Peace: Israel and the Arabs

As with so many previous BBC documentaries on the Middle East, the latest effort, Elusive Peace, is yet another wasted opportunity. As in its tendentious predecessors, Palestinian officials like Saeb Erekat are trotted out over and over again as disappointed peacemakers. The documentary also manages to interview not a single...

2 minute read

Impact of Terror

A moving documentary about Israeli victims of terror struggling to cope in the aftermath of the Aug. 9, 2001 Sbarro pizzeria bombing in Jerusalem. It effectively maps out the victims’ scars –both physical and emotional – and humanizes the personal struggles of individuals who are often unnamed in news reports...

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