"CAMERA welcomes the strengthened legal measures that will enable Jewish students to enjoy the same protections as others. It's important to note that the legal effort against campus antisemitism began in 2004 with a "Dear colleague letter" from the Office of Civil Rights, and was underscored in 2010 with another...
Campus News, Plus: CAMERA Invites You to Our Soldiers Speak Annual Regional Briefing – 2019
"CAMERA seeks a full-time Campus Advisor to join its growing team of young professionals providing support and guidance to students interested in Israel activism. The Advisor will oversee CAMERA Fellows, CAMERA-supported Israel organizations, and help develop and implement effective measures to meet challenges facing Zionist students. The position will be...
Support Zionist Students – 2019
"The 2019-2020 academic year is here, and students are already facing anti-Israel propaganda from professors and radical activists. Rising antisemitism is fueled by lies about Israel and the Jewish people! Your support for CAMERA can ensure that our students—your children and grandchildren—receive the necessary resources to push back against lies...
CAMERA Conference Provides Campus Activists Tools to Combat Anti-Israel Propaganda – 2019
"A number of sessions at the conference were led by CAMERA campus staff to develop solidarity and bonding among students. 'Students are dealing with a lot of difficulties on campus,' said Hali Haber, director of campus programming and strategic relationships, told JNS. 'This conference enables students to meet other people...
Outstanding Students Awarded at CAMERA Gala – 2019
"Two outstanding CAMERA Fellows were honored at our annual gala on June 2. Maynooth University Fellow Daniel O'Dowd received the David Bar-Illan Award for Outstanding Student Leadership, and Swarthmore University Fellow Matthew Stein received the David Bar-Illan Award for Outstanding Campus Activism..."
Announcing the David Bar-Illan Award Recipients – 2019
"At this year's CAMERA Gala, Swarthmore College CAMERA Fellow Matt Stein will receive the 2019 David Bar-Illan Award for Outstanding Campus Activism. Matt has advocated for Israel in the greater Swarthmore community tirelessly throughout his entire collegiate career, and currently serves as the president of CAMERA-supported group Swarthmore Students for...
CAMERA Slams One-Sided Anti-Israel Event at UMass Amherst – 2019
"In an article published by CAMERA Fellow Nina Krishel in campus outlet Mustang News, she wrote that, 'With this bill, Cal Poly ASI stands with the Jewish community against anti-Semitism and discrimination.' Krishel also noted that ASI Board of Directors members Noah Krigel and Aliza Herzberg, both of whom assisted...
CAMERA Hosts Panel to Uncover Hostility on Campus With Professor Alan Dershowitz – 2019
"Are you a leader on campus, ready to proactively spread the truth about Israel to fellow students, professors, and the media? 35 CAMERA Fellows from across North America, Europe, and Israel will be selected based on their in-depth knowledge of the Arab-Israeli conflict, history of Israel and current events, experience...