Today is the UN’s International Day of Democracy.
Israel was established as a parliamentary democracy, a state with fundamental democratic values. While much of the Middle East is hostile to democratic governments from forming, Israel strives to constantly develop as a democracy. Between rights for Palestinians, women, and members of the LGBTQ community, Israel is a leader in democratic values in the Middle East, not to mention the world.

Israel is often held to unfair scrutiny by the United Nations. While Syria tears itself to shreds, impoverishment only increases in India, and female genital mutilation is accepted among many countries, the UN chooses to unfairly criticize Israel rather than focus on critical international issues.
The UN ironically tried to condemn Israel for violating health standards at a World Health Organization assembly. Not only are Israeli health regulations up to level, Israel is a leader in international aid when other countries are in need of assistance.
Likewise, the UN tried to accuse Israel of not fully supporting women’s rights. In all areas, women in Israel have full equal rights. They lead in government, military, and all professional fields in Israel.
Just like any other democratic country, there are room for improvements. However, its democratic values cannot go unappreciated and its efforts to promote human rights should not be overlooked.
With pride in the democracy it is today, Israel celebrates the UN’s International Day of Democracy.