
BBC showcases convicted anti-Israel activist in context-free illustration
Photo of known amateur dramatics provocateur from Bil’in used by BBC to illustrate ‘the conflict’. (BBC Watch)

BBC advertising revenue from countries restricting press & internet freedom
Non-UK visitors to the BBC website see advertising which, in some cases, promotes countries with a less than pristine record on internet and press freedom. (BBC Watch)

BBC tones down Iranian rhetoric and extremism
The BBC portrayed Hassan Rouhani’s Al Quds day comments as though they related only to certain parts of Israel. (BBC Watch)

BBC Israel focus in numbers – July 2013
Over a thousand people were killed in terrorist attacks in Iraq during July, but Israel still got more coverage on the BBC News website. (BBC Watch)

BBC continues to mislead on Middle East talks
Audiences are denied information on aspects of the peace talks which do not fit the BBC narrative. (BBC Watch)

bbc watch

The Media Continues to Make Up Boycotts
A recent erroneous report of a Dutch boycott of settlement goods was little more than bad journalism. (Presspectiva)

Harriet Sherwood yawns as Hamas orders closure of Gaza media outlets
The Guardian‘s Jerusalem correspondent continues obsessing over every Israeli sin, real and imagined, while consistently ignoring egregious human rights abuses by Palestinian authorities. (CiF Watch)

Taybeh’s Population Fluctuates Wildly
The population of the all-Christian village of Taybeh changes from one report to the next. (CAMERA)

Made- up reality
Europa Press news agency is committed to whitewashing Hamas. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Rouhani’s apocryphal statements and the media’s impulse
It seems that the media outlets are satisfied with blindly reproducing any information, without taking the trouble to corroborate it. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

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