Do you think that Israel has a right to exist as a homeland for the Jewish people, and are you aware of the particular circumstances of Jewish history that might prompt that need and desire? And if your answer is no, if your notion is somehow that that history doesn’t...
Student Activists Fight for Accuracy on Israel
A CBS News headline from February, reporting on a series of Palestinian terror attacks against Israelis, reads, “3 Palestinians killed as daily violence grinds on.” For the past six months, a wave of Palestinian terrorism has shaken Israel, and while some reporters and editors have been accurately reporting events, many...
IsraelFest Impacts Students at UMiami
In early February IsraelFest was held by campus group Emet Israel at the University of Miami. Approximately 150 students turned out to the annual celebration, showcasing Israeli food, a falafel eating contest, and a Krav Maga class. Attendance was high, but more importantly, the students engaging and asking questions were not Jewish or already affiliated with Israel. They...
The Liberal Arts College and its Discontents
As those who have attended schools with a liberal arts background know all too well, it can be difficult to keep one’s wits about them. The campus climate and its inhabitants are all too eager to applaud what they perceive as fact and laudable, and even more likely to denigrate...
The Life of a Teenage Advocate
I wake up and look at my phone. Two Israeli men were stabbed and killed in Jerusalem. I turn on my computer, trying to make sense of this attack, but the first news article from the BBC that pops up, headlines that a ‘Palestinian [is] shot dead after Jerusalem attack...
Jonathan Elkhoury Breaks Down Barriers on Campus Tour
CAMERA speaker Jonathan Elkhoury just completed a two week tour spanning 10 campuses. Read his amazing testament posted to Facebook below on the power of sharing the facts and being a proud Zionist. How do I define success? Success for me is knowing that the audience pro-Palestinian activists, supporters of BDS activists SJP...
Where is the Outcry?
Zionism is the emancipation and homecoming of the Jewish people. Zionism, and the state of Israel it reincarnated, has united generations of Jewish people. Before Zionism brought the Jewish people home from their 2000 year wanderings, it was a dream waiting to be fulfilled. Millions throughout the millennia prayed...
Druze Delegation at NYU
On November 2nd, 2015, New York University’s Emet for Israel supported group, Realize Israel, hosted a delegation of Druze leaders from Israel. The Israeli Druze Alliance brought a group of IDF soldiers of Druze descent and other leaders in the community to NYU in order to speak with students about what it’s like...