Benji Lovitt, Texas-born Israeli comedian, strives to convey Israel’s true face to his audiences. He admits that in order to truly understand Israel, one must experience it him or herself. However, for any one who wants a good laugh, Benji Lovitt can offer that along with a good history lesson of...
The Iranian Threat to Israel and the World
Over the summer, a lot of you probably heard about Iran and Israel. Tensions were rising between the two nations over Iran’s goal to gain nuclear weapons. Iran is an existential threat to Israel, the Middle East, the United States and many other countries for so many reasons. If Iran...
Pro-Israel Students (Including our CAMERA Fellow!) at SUNY Buffalo Monitor Biased Coverage
Last month, CAMERA’s Fellow at SUNY Buffalo, Logan Woodard, worked with his board to craft a letter to The Spectrum, SUNY Buffalo’s student paper. The pro-Israel group at the university, Students for Israel, worked with StandWithUs to host an event on campus, which was to be covered by The Spectrum. The...