University of Connecticut student Nathan Schachter describes his Jewish faith as “a part of me since I was born.” The West Hartford-born junior communications major grew up in a tight-knit Jewish community, and said that he is “proud” of practicing Judaism, participating in UConn Hillel events as a member of...
Israel Festivals Hit Campuses Across the Country
At the end of the spring semester, universities across the country celebrated Israeli Independence Day by hosting events that showcased Israel’s diverse culture. CAMERA-supported group Friends of Israel at Rockland Community College held a barbecue in the middle of their campus grounds. There was a professional henna artist and ongoing...
Israel Fest at UCONN Sparks Curiosity in Students
Before the UCONN student body headed into exam season, they had a chance to experience something different at Israel Fest, a festival celebrating Israel and her culture. CAMERA – supported group Huskies for Israel geared the event specifically towards students who held no prior knowledge about Israel. The group succeeded in their goal. The event had...
CAMERA Brings Benjamin Anthony to UConn
On Wednesday, April 1, CAMERA fellow Ali Jabick at the University of Connecticut hosted a talk with Sergeant Benjamin Anthony (res.) from the organization Our Soldiers Speak at the UConn Trachten-Zachs Hillel House. Sgt. Anthony was invited to bring awareness to students about the nature of the IDF and to...
CAMERA on New Campuses: UConn!
This year is the first year that CAMERA has worked closely with students at the University of Connecticut through one of our two flagship student programs: Fellows and CCAP. Our UConn CAMERA Fellow, Ali Jabick, has the responsibility for introducing her campus community to CAMERA, and recently held a meeting...