3 minute read

More Hatred From Students for Justice in Palestine

There is a deeply disturbing pattern within the anti-Zionist movement of devaluing Jewish and Israeli lives. Wholly convinced of the irredeemably evil nature of the Jewish state, many anti-Israel activists display a callous indifference toward antisemitic violence perpetrated between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. The ensuing devastation to...

< 1 minute read

Noura Erakat’s Sordid Cynicism

Listening to lawyers and law students speak among themselves about the law and its ultimate value can be disconcerting. They are a cynical bunch. For some lawyers, the law itself has little, if any inherent integrity or meaning. For these lawyers, the law can be used to advance the interest...

4 minute read

Double Standards Do More Harm Than Good

The double standards of anti-Zionism must be condemned Over the years, it has become apparent in the college community that Zionism is not only disapproved of, but discriminated against, with such outstanding remarks against Israel’s very existence. The already confirmed annual Students for Justice in Palestine Conference at University of California,...

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