4 minute read

SJP Glorifies Terrorist Leila Khaled

The word resistance is defined as the ‘refusal to accept or comply with something.’ A legal definition of the word is “the opposition of force to force,” which can either be “lawful or unlawful.” Resistance can be associated with defiance, independence, and strength in times of struggle. However, resistance also indicates rebellion, and...

3 minute read

Tisha B’Av: Remembering Tragedy

According to Jewish tradition, the Jewish people’s Holy Temple in Jerusalem was twice destroyed on the ninth day of the Jewish month of Av.  Yesterday (July 24th), observant Jews fasted to mark the beginning of a three week mourning period which concludes on August 14th with the Jewish holiday of Tisha B’Av. This concept...

3 minute read

Anti-Israel or Anti-Semitic?

Israel is facing a tide of hatred all around the world. From the United States to Europe, to the Middle East, many try to delegitimize the state of Israel. People can surely be just critical of Israeli policies. However, many people are anti-Israel due to their hate for the Jewish people....

4 minute read

AJ+ is Lying to You

Seemingly liberal and chic, AJ+ markets itself as a youth alternative to the mainstream media. A quick glance through its Facebook page will lead the viewer on a tour of indigenous rights activism, Syrian suffering, and police brutality. Causes championed by young human rights activists have also been taken up...

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