The wonderful and terrible thing about journalism is that it frequently presents truth with a subtle hint of opinion. Regardless of how a journalist writes—through his choice of subject matter, his focus on details or lack thereof, and his ability or inability to truly and intrinsically understand the circumstances of...
CAMERA Israel Office Welcomes ICC Student Trip
This week, CAMERA was glad to welcome the Israel on Campus Coalition Leadership Mission to Israel at our Jerusalem office! CAMERA’s Director of the Israel Office, Tamar Sternthal, spoke with the 20 students who were recommended by partner ICC organizations to attend the mission on the importance of CAMERA’s work in challenging media...
CAMERA Leadership and Advocacy Mission to Israel: Day One
This past week, CAMERA students from around the United States, Canada and Uruguay gathered for CAMERA’s annual Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Mission in Israel. The trip’s goal is to teach students to accurately and affectively spread their messages about Israel. The students on the trip include CCAP activists, CAMERA Fellows, and Israel campus...