3 minute read

BDS Failures Continuously Amassing

While we never hear it honestly from our daily news sources, and we hear about the Academic boycotts and the BDS (Boycott Divestment and Sanctions) campaign against Israel, the divestment strategy in particular has been failing in this past decade. Across college campuses, SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine) attempts to...

2 minute read

SJP Suspended at Northeastern University

On March 7, Northeastern University’s Center for Student Involvement (CSI) announced that the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter is suspended at least until 2015. According to Max Blumenthal in Mondoweiss, Jason Campbell-Foster (the director of the CSI) wrote in a letter to SJP that they “have not shown...

3 minute read

Speakers Discredit SJP

This piece was contributed by CAMERA Fellow Ben Kravis, and was originally published in The Tulane Hullabaloo on January 30th. You can read the published piece here or the original piece below. Students for Justice in Palestine hosted Eran Efrati and Maya Wind, a former Israeli soldier and a critic of the...

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