3 minute read

Indy Story on Gaza Student “Denied” Visa to Study in UK Riddled with Distortions

A Sept. 27th article in the Independent by Bethan McKernan claims that a 28-year-old Palestinian student named Mohammed Awad was due to begin a masters programme at Goldsmiths, University of London, but may have to forfeit his place because of an “Israeli delay in approving his travel papers”. Awad, from Jabalia, north of Gaza City, is quoted...

5 minute read

An Interview with Bassem Eid

Palestinian human rights activist Bassem Eid is most well known for “raising awareness according to the realities on the ground” on the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Bassem, born and raised in Jordanian occupied East Jerusalem, began working for B’Tselem in 1988 to advocate for Palestinian human rights. Since then, he has broken...

4 minute read

Imagine There’s No Countries

Recently, it seems that there has been an interesting question reverberating through the walls of the American Jewish Zionist community: Are anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism the same thing? In stereotypical Jewish fashion, in a room of ten people, there are likely to be at least eleven answers to this question. And...

< 1 minute read

Meet our 23 CAMERA Fellows

Currently underway is the annual CAMERA Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference, in which student leaders from throughout the Americas, 23 of them CAMERA Fellows, come together to learn about Israel. The 23 Fellows selected this year hail from places such as Uruguay, Canada, and from across the United States....

< 1 minute read

BDS Student Leader Nominated as UC Regent

University of California’s Board of Regents, which governs the university and appoints senior officers, was created for the purpose of “sheltering the university from shifting political winds.” Yet a current nominee for student regent threatens to do the very opposite, by politicizing the board with severely partisan, divisive and noxious...

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