Our EMET groups in New York City are constantly leading the way with educational programming on Israel. Our EMET group at Queens College, ISA, was recently visited by CAMERA’s director of campus programming, who helped students brainstorm and plan events such as their successful presentations by Izzy Ezagui and Kasim...
Yom Ha’atzmaut
Contributed by CAMERA intern Aaron Hunt. Today is Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, which occurs on the anniversary of 5 Iyar (May 14), 1948, when David Ben-Gurion announced Israel’s independence. This year, the fifth of Iyar falls on a Friday, so Yom Ha’atzmaut is celebrated today to avoid conflicting with...
Bringing the Sderot Media Center Director to SUNY Buffalo
Contributed by CAMERA intern Chaiel Schaffel. Though sometimes we can barely stand it, time is our most precious commodity. We are so rich in it that it has mostly lost its meaning. We waste time, chew time, burn time, even kill time. But there are those less fortunate. It takes...
Sign SAIPA’s Petition to Continue Suspension of Brandeis Partnership with Al-Quds
Our EMET for Israel group at Brandeis, SAIPA (Students for Accuracy about Israeli and Palestinian Affairs) is supporting university president Fred Lawrence’s decision to suspend the partnership between Brandeis University and Al Quds University. They are circulating an online petition supporting the decision, in the form of an open letter...
A Double Standard for “Justice”
This piece has been republished in The Algemeiner. Jihadist fighters from ISIS are terrorizing Palestinians in the Yarmouk refugee camp outside of Damascus. Snipers are shooting people as they attempt to flee the fighting between ISIS and forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Assad’s air force has indiscriminately dropped...
SFSU Sparks Controversy by Funding an Openly Anti Israel Activist: Sarah Schulman
Written by Kailee Jordan, a CAMERA Fellow at San Francisco State University. The Sociology department at San Francisco State University sent out a mass email Wednesday night addressed to “all sociology students”. This email invited all sociology students to come to an event where author Sarah Schulman, would talk on March 10th...
Why SJP is Antithetical to Stanford Values
This piece was originally published in The Stanford Daily on February 9, 2015 by Stanford student Sophie Schulman. It is reproduced in full below. Why SJP is Antithetical to Stanford Values “Don’t come back,” was the last thing I heard as I walked out of Stanford SJP’s (Students for Justice in...
CAMERA Fellow at U Florida Corrects SJP Lies
CAMERA Fellow at the University of Florida, Naor Amir, just published an article in The Alligator refuting false claims made by SJP student Amanda Nelson. In her piece, Nelson advocated the boycott of companies that do business with Israel. Naor contradicted her claims and advocated, instead, for a more comprehensive understanding...