< 1 minute read

Check Out Our Student Writers!

While interning for CAMERA, high-school senior Rebecca Pritzker wrote the powerful blog piece Israel: The Modern Canary, which was republished recently in the Jewish Ledger. Former CAMERA Israel trip participant Romeu Monteiro recently wrote a piece for his school’s paper, which was also picked up by The Algemeiner: Israeli Inspiration, Portuguese Citizenship.  ...

3 minute read

Israel: The Modern Canary

Contributed by CAMERA Intern Rebecca Pritzker (en español) In the early ages of mining, coal miners brought canaries with them into the depths of the cavernous mines. As they mined, the brightly colored birds sang, filling the otherwise gloomy caves with cheerful song. As long as the birds continued to...

2 minute read

Sderot, Israel: Spread the Word

Contributed by CAMERA Intern Rebecca Pritzker: 15: The siren sounds. 14: Paralyzing panic. Frozen fingertips and suspended motion. 13: Mayhem. 12: Chaos. 11: Pandemonium. 10: Running. Everyone is running. 9: Children scurrying. Parents herding and carrying them. 8: Where is the nearest shelter? 7: Will I make it? 6: Will...

2 minute read

Israel: The Perpetual Homeland

Contributed by CAMERA Intern, Rebecca Pritzker: “A 21st Century Exodus: Dina’s Journey From Alexandria to Jerusalem” summarizes Dina Ovadia’s heartwarming life story – a story filled with harsh rejection, displacement, and eventually, homecoming. Dina Ovadia was born and raised in Alexandria, Egypt. She, like many other Egyptian children, went to...

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