Jewish Voice For Peace, an organization which supports the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Movement (BDS), has defended the removal of three Jewish women from the Chicago Dyke March, for wearing a Jewish LGBT flag. The flag, which is seen at many Pride events around the world, was described by one of the...
Munich Massacre Commemorated As Anti-Semitism at Olympics Continues
44 years ago on September 5th, at the 1972 Olympic Games in Germany, the Palestinian terrorist group Black September took hostage and murdered 11 members of the Israeli Olympic Team. If the German government and their rescue team had worked succinctly and responsibly, the captured Israelis could have been saved, rather than murdered....
Jonathan Elkhoury Breaks Down Barriers on Campus Tour
CAMERA speaker Jonathan Elkhoury just completed a two week tour spanning 10 campuses. Read his amazing testament posted to Facebook below on the power of sharing the facts and being a proud Zionist. How do I define success? Success for me is knowing that the audience pro-Palestinian activists, supporters of BDS activists SJP...
In Solidarity: A discussion on Zionism, Anti-Semitism, and the Jewish Liberation Struggle
CUNY Hunter’s Emet for Israel supported group, Hunter Students for Israel brought prominent pro-Israel advocate, and former CAMERA Consultant, Chloe Valdary, to speak. She discussed the role Zionism and Jewish identity can play in pro-Israel advocacy on college campuses. It was a rallying cry to the pro-Israel student body to take ownership of their...
Tel Aviv Pride: Blackmail or Celebration?
By CAMERA intern Shoshana Kranish Back in June, Tel Aviv celebrated its 18th Pride Parade, the end to a week-long celebration filled with parties and beautiful people—Israeli and foreign, gay and straight. While the numbers are not exact, it is estimated that upwards of 200,000 people attended this year’s event,...
Laurentian Israel Group Works With PRIDE
With a little Zionist chutzpah, our Emet for Israel group at Laurentian University, LUJSA, just pulled off a unique event with the LGBTQ alliance, PRIDE. Entitled Half Off: Circumcision and Sex Toys, the Ultimate Games Night, the event was planned during PRIDE week—an entire week dedicated to celebrating and educating the...
Chloe Simone Valdary: Pride and Privilege
Pride and Privilege Chloe Simone Valdary is a consultant with the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), and the founder of the CAMERA Campus Activist Project- supported organization, Allies of Israel, at the University of New Orleans. This piece was originally published in Arutz Sheva for...
Pride 2013
Contributed by CAMERA Intern Rachel Wolf: On Sunday Tel Aviv started it’s renowned Gay Pride Week. There have been several events this week celebrating gay culture including restaurant and club events. There has even been a music video put out to celebrate this week. The video “features a song written by Doron...