Following a recently broadcasted conversation with Fleur-Hassan Nahoum, current Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem and co-founder of the UAE — Israel Business Council, I found it essential to narrow down concrete examples of the changing climate in the Middle East following the Abraham Accords, notably taking into account both the financial...
Tisha B’Av: Remembering Tragedy
According to Jewish tradition, the Jewish people’s Holy Temple in Jerusalem was twice destroyed on the ninth day of the Jewish month of Av. Yesterday (July 24th), observant Jews fasted to mark the beginning of a three week mourning period which concludes on August 14th with the Jewish holiday of Tisha B’Av. This concept...
Muslim Zionist Kasim Hafeez Goes to UCF
Over the course of this semester we, members of the the University of Central Florida’s Emet for Israel supported group, Knights for Israel, realized we were growing much quicker than anticipated and we wanted to continue building on this momentum. We decided that bringing in another speaker and not generating too...
Knights for Israel at the UCF International Fair
The University of Central Florida Emet for Israel supported organization, Knights for Israel, signed up for the International Fair as soon as we heard about it because we understood the opportunity this would be for us. Tabling throughout the semester, I now understand the sheer magnitude of unawareness some college students possess, having...