As the recent armed clash between Israel and the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas comes to an end, the pro-Israel world has been at the forefront of battling misinformation, baseless claims, and ‘fake news’ surrounding the violence. While there seems to be relative peace, for now, it is essential to point...
UJS presidential candidate harassed online by anti-Zionist activists
Photo: Mingkai Zhang/Wikimedia Commons In early November, CAMERA on Campus Fellow and University of Birmingham student Anthony Bolchover launched his campaign for the UK Union of Jewish Students Presidency. Among other things, Anthony’s manifesto pledged to defend Zionism and unequivocally condemn anti-Semitism on British campuses. Unfortunately, Anthony’s campaign became the...
שלום ואלימות בסכסוך הישראלי-פלסטיני: מאמר תגובה
ב- 7 בפברואר פרסמה נור אלמסלמני מאמר שכותרתו “מדינה חסרת מדינה? פלסטין … לאן? ” בה היא קובעת כי “הפלסטינים מנסים ליישם תוכנית שלום עם הישראלים כבר זמן רב מאוד.” טענה זו אינה מתייחסת לעשורים הרבים שבהם ההנהגה הפלסטינית הסיתה לאלימות, תמכה בטרור והפיצה תעמולה אנטישמית. מאז הקמתה בשנת 1959,...
Letter: Response to ‘Hillel Sponsored Lecture isn’t What it Seems’
Indiana Daily Student columnist Matthew Waterman, Feb. 3, polemicized the recent speech given by Palestinian human rights activist Bassem Eid. Waterman’s absence at the event was noteworthy then, as Mr. Eid discussed a number of the complaints Waterman raised about him and would have been happy to take any questions he...
In the Wake of Pittsburgh Tragedy, Oberlin Continues Demonization of Israel
Last Friday, Oberlin held a vigil for the eleven Jews that were murdered in Pittsburgh at the Tree of Life Synagogue, as well as for two African Americans who were murdered in Kentucky while shopping for groceries. Among the sponsors of the vigil were Oberlin Jewish Voice for Peace and...
Meet ‘Joe,’ bringing objectivity to Mideast reporting in 280 characters or less
Since March, the Gazan border has played host to a series of violent demonstrations. Thousands of rioters, some of whom are armed with hand grenades, Molotov cocktails, and slingshots, regularly amass along the border. As a whole, major media outlets have failed to accurately and objectively cover the events of the...
An Open Letter to Sarah Tuttle-Singer
Historical realities must be carefully considered for peace Sarah, Within the past few months, we have seen a drastic change in the US approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. UNRWA was defunded, the Palestinian leadership has been battered with criticism, and US financial aid to the Palestinian leadership was severely cut....
BDS at Cambridge: Activism Blinded by Self-Righteousness?
Student activism at the University of Cambridge surrounding the most recent events in Gaza has, of late, been severely problematic. Beginning with a rally on Kings Parade, which included calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and drew comparisons between Israeli soldiers and Nazis, the campaign has gradually...