סמינר מקוון שאורגן לאחרונה על ידי ‘סטודנטים למען הצדק בפלסטין’ (SJP) באוניברסיטת בארד ואוניברסיטת אוהיו, התארחו הפרופסורית נורה עראקת, שדיברה על ציונות ומדינת ישראל. לאורך הסמינר, עראקת אמרה הערות שקריות בוטות, ותייגה את הציונות כתנועה עליונות לבנה. היא טענה כי הציונות מבוססת על “הרחקת העם הפלסטיני, מחיקתו והשמדתו”, ואמרה כי...
Despite Coronavirus, Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism Are Present on Campus
A recent webinar hosted by Bard University Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Ohio State University SJP featured George Mason and Rutgers professor Noura Erakat, who spoke on Zionism and the State of Israel. Throughout the webinar, Erakat made outlandish and blatantly false remarks, such as labeling Zionism a...
NYU: Isolating and Silencing Pro-Israel Students and Speakers
On October 25th, 2019, the American Studies Program in the New York University Department of Social & Cultural Analysis (SCA) hosted anti-Zionist speaker Noura Erakat in a public event titled “Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine.” The stated goal of the lecture was to “show how the...
Noura Erakat’s Reinterpretation of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Noura Erakat’s speech at Columbia Law School on Oct. 24 was articulate and intelligent, mirroring many students on our campus. The Palestinian American attorney and activist spoke about her new book Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine, in which she examines the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the lens of international...
Oberlin Cementing its Reputation as a School Gone-off-the-Rails with Two Antisemitic Speakers
Oberlin College of late has had a raft of bad publicity over a multi-million dollar verdict against it for defamation, as well as over its hiring, and then after outside pressure, firing, a professor who posted antisemitic conspiracy theories on Facebook. One might think at this point that the school...
Propagating the False Narrative That Zionists are ‘Anti-Palestinian’
Let me tell you how my guilt was decided before my case was ever presented. I went with my colleagues to hear Noura Erakat speak at Harvard Law School. Noura is a Palestinian-American lawyer and “human-rights” activist who vehemently opposes Zionism and any form of Jewish self-determination. I sat quietly...
Noura Erakat’s Sordid Cynicism
Listening to lawyers and law students speak among themselves about the law and its ultimate value can be disconcerting. They are a cynical bunch. For some lawyers, the law itself has little, if any inherent integrity or meaning. For these lawyers, the law can be used to advance the interest...