Happy (Gregorian) New Year! We are sending a HUGE Thank You to all of our devoted friends, supporters, and students for your hard work and diligence! May your 2015 be bold, beautiful, and bias-free. With love, CAMERA on Campus
Allies of Israel at UNO
On September 23rd, our CCAP- supported group Allies of Israel at University of New Orleans spent the day tabling with CAMERA materials and apples and honey to bring in the Jewish New Year! Check out some of their amazing photos below! We are so proud of our amazing students!...
L’Shana Tova u’Metuka!
This evening, Jews around the world celebrate the beginning of the Jewish new year, Rosh HaShana! As Rosh HaShana 5775 approaches, may our commitment to truth, and to one another, be stronger and more powerful than ever, and may we thus be able to sweeten our world and the lives of...