Editor’s Note: If you are interested in bringing Shai to your campus during his Spring 2019 semester tour, please contact CAMERA on Campus. Celebrity figure visits Ireland in CAMERA-sponsored event at Maynooth Shai DeLuca-Tamasi’s guest speaker event at Maynooth was undoubtedly the greatest achievement of the society so far, notwithstanding the...
Jewish Voice For Peace Defends Anti-Semitism
Jewish Voice For Peace, an organization which supports the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Movement (BDS), has defended the removal of three Jewish women from the Chicago Dyke March, for wearing a Jewish LGBT flag. The flag, which is seen at many Pride events around the world, was described by one of the...
From SJP to Pro-Israel: Rezwan’s Story
Rezwan Ovo Haq, a student at the University of Central Florida, advocates strongly for that in which he believes. As a Muslim, Rezwan is devoted to helping fellow Muslims and Palestinians. He “used to believe Israel was an ‘Apartheid’ state, a terrorist state, a regime that routinely oppresses the Palestinians” and was very...
In the end, love will win
Israelis are known for not cancelling personal celebrations during times of war and terror. During Operation Protective Edge, the army managed to pull out two combat soldiers from the war for a few hours to attend their sister’s wedding. More recently this past November, Sarah Litman did not postpone her wedding after losing her...
What Exactly is Zionism?
What exactly is Zionism? Zionism is an ideology that originated in the late 1800’s that brought nationalism to the Jewish people. It argued for a Jewish state, united world Jewry, hoping to bring to an end anti-Semitism and the persecution of the Jewish people. Zionism is how I connect to...
Tel Aviv Pride: Blackmail or Celebration?
By CAMERA intern Shoshana Kranish Back in June, Tel Aviv celebrated its 18th Pride Parade, the end to a week-long celebration filled with parties and beautiful people—Israeli and foreign, gay and straight. While the numbers are not exact, it is estimated that upwards of 200,000 people attended this year’s event,...
Assi Azar Speaks to Students at UC Santa Barbara
Assi Azar, an openly gay Israeli television personality, spent much of April on tour with CAMERA, visiting college campuses around the US to speak to students about LGBTQ rights in Israel. His most recent visit was to the University of California at Santa Barbara, where he gave an insightful presentation...