While the Jewish community around the world, as displayed by the comments of the Anti-Defamation League, finds common ground over Airbnb’s recent decision to boycott Jewish homes in the West Bank, J Street is busy trying to undermine that consensus. J Street, self-described as “pro-Israel, pro-peace,” condoned Airbnb’s action by...
CAMERA Fellow At The Claremont Colleges Hosts Screening Of “The J Street Challenge”
To promote open conversation about being pro-Israel and pro-peace, CAMERA Fellow, Elliot Hamilton of The Claremont Colleges hosted a screening of “The J Street Challenge” in the beginning of October. Following the screening, Hamilton led a Q&A session via Skype with Avi Goldwasser. co-producer of the film. Hamilton stated that...
CAMERA Event in Israel
On March 18th at 7:30pm in Tel-Aviv, CAMERA is co-sponsoring a screening of “The J Street Challenge.” The event, titled “Seductive Allure of Peace In Our Time,” is being held at the Nalagaat Center in Tel Aviv, is also cosponsored with the Salon and StandWithUs. The event, as with all Tel...