9 minute read

Fighting for Israel on College Campuses

CAMERA’s Senior Campus Coordinator, Samantha Mandeles, recently wrote the following piece, a version of which appears in the Algemeiner, about the events that led her to her current position at CAMERA. While attending Hampshire College, Samantha was subjected to harassment, bullying and an overall hostile and anti-Israel atmosphere. Fighting for...

2 minute read

CAMERA Speaks at Indiana University

CAMERA’s campus team just returned from leading media workshops at Indiana University. This is our second year in a row of working with select Hillels in sending students on Birthright, and we’re very excited that, this past summer, Indiana University Hillel was added to the partnership. Read Aarika Washington’s great...

3 minute read

Where Is The Star?

This piece was contributed by McNeese State University CCAP Liaison Adam D. Harris From the beginning I never saw one. I was looking for it too. Freshman orientation at McNeese State University begins in Bulber auditorium, where the balcony flags encamp above and around where we sat. I saw flags from possibly more than...

< 1 minute read

The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages

BBC Arabic reports on Syrian patients in Israeli hospitals – but not in Arabic After months of ignoring the subject of Syrian patients being treated in Israeli hospitals, the BBC finally got around to reporting the story – but not to its Arabic Service audiences. (BBC Watch) BBC describes known...

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