< 1 minute read

Gaza Rocket Attacks No Laughing Matter

Editor, the Tribune: Recently, Israeli journalist Noam Bedein spoke at the University of Missouri. Bedein presented stories of the victims of rocket terrorism of people who live in Sderot, Israel. Bedein is an eyewitness. Noam Bedein, Director of the Sderot Media Center holding two drawings made by Israeli children, wishing for peace...

2 minute read

Syracuse University Cuts Ties with Al Quds University After Nazi-Style Rally

Syracuse joins Brandeis in cutting ties with Palestinian Al-Quds University. Brandeis cut ties with its sister institution on November 18th, while Syracuse suspended its relationship with Al Quds on November 21st. The two universities responded as such to a Nazi-style military rally held on the Al Quds campus earlier in November.  In response to Nazi-style,...

4 minute read

A Return to Bias

Israel has returned to the United Nations Human Rights Committee with faith that the longstanding bias against the country will decimate. By Concordia University CAMERA Fellow Michelle Soicher. Michelle is also a member of Concordia Students for Israel. This article was originally published on Journalists for Human Rights – Concordia University.   The...

2 minute read

SFSU President Condemns Campus Event With Slogan “My Heroes Have Always Killed Colonizers”

SFSU General Union of Palestinian Students displays posters reading, “My Heroes Have Always Killed Colonizers”; University President condemns the event.  This week, San Francisco State University President Les Wong publicly condemned an event held on campus in which students created posters that read, “My heroes have always killed colonizers.” The posters were displayed in...

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