I go to a liberal university. A university where in the post modern world, no statement is left unquestioned. Where nothing is fact, but merely a social construction. Reality is disputed to the extent that there is no actualization of concepts, they are simply all conceptions, built up by...
Druze Delegation at NYU
On November 2nd, 2015, New York University’s Emet for Israel supported group, Realize Israel, hosted a delegation of Druze leaders from Israel. The Israeli Druze Alliance brought a group of IDF soldiers of Druze descent and other leaders in the community to NYU in order to speak with students about what it’s like...
Shabbat With Sgt. Benjamin Anthony
On November 20th, 2015 Binghamton University Zionist Organization (BUZO), SUNY Binghamton’s Emet for Israel supported group, hosted Sgt. Benjamin Anthony for Shabbat dinner together with Chabad. This was not the first time that Anthony had been invited to speak by BUZO and CAMERA at Binghamton, but it was still an honor to...
A Taste of Israel
On December 7th, SUNY Albany’s Emet for Israel group, Great Danes for Israel, hosted “A Taste of Israel” brunch at Terra International Cuisine, a kosher restaurant in Downtown Albany. Many of these students had never tried authentic Israeli foods, so the event gave them the opportunity to take part in a unique cultural and culinary experience. At...
Knights for Israel at the UCF International Fair
The University of Central Florida Emet for Israel supported organization, Knights for Israel, signed up for the International Fair as soon as we heard about it because we understood the opportunity this would be for us. Tabling throughout the semester, I now understand the sheer magnitude of unawareness some college students possess, having...
Shooting Under Fire: Gil Cohen-Magen at Cal State Long Beach
On November 12th, the Emet for Israel group at Cal State University Long Beach, 49ers for Israel, hosted Gil Cohen-Magen, a prominent Israeli photojournalist. His works have appeared in The New York Times, as well as other leading newspapers and magazines. The event drew a large crowd to his Thursday night lecture and was well...
Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories on Campus
The anti-Semitic conspiracy theories of the past – Jews are plotting to rule the world, Jews control the banks, Jews are agents of calamity and catastrophe –have found new life in the North American university campus. At the City University of New York, the “Students for Justice in Palestine” club blamed the “Zionist...
Leaders of Jewish and Palestinian students show their vote in polemic assembly
“… On Wednesday, October 28,… the Ambassador of Israel [in Chile], Rafael Edad, arrived at the [Faculty of law of the University of Chile] to give/deliver a talk. While on the first floor a group of students were manifesting their repudiation, the diplomat talkded on the fifth floor. The next day,… students linked...