In a dark return to history, Harvard has again made itself unsafe to Jewish students. The storied Harvard Crimson made the mistake of endorsing the antisemitic BDS campaign on Holocaust Remembrance Day. Over the past year, we have witnessed a troubling trend of the Harvard Crimson’s increasingly hostile bias against the State of...
Statement Regarding Harvard Crimson Editorial Board Decision to Endorse BDS
The Crimson editorial board’s decision to endorse the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaign and pledge support to the extremist student organization, Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee, should be deeply concerning for students, academics, and members of the Harvard community. The editorial board claims to have “wrestled” with Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians...
Why the Harvard Crimson’s Call for BDS is Dead Wrong
The Harvard Crimson has published an anonymous statement by its Editorial Board in favor of the notorious Boycott, Divest and Sanctions campaign (BDS) against Israel: In Support of Boycott, Divest, Sanctions and a Free Palestine. Despite the editorial’s portentous style, as a Harvard alumnus (GSAS 1987) I do feel it’s important to respond in an...
HOOP Stands Against Palestinians
For Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine (HOOP), degrading Israel is more important than supporting Palestinians. They don’t care that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) abandon airstrikes, drop warning leaflets, call and text residents and roof-knock to avoid civilian casualties or that Israel uses the most precise rocketry technology available to...
‘Harvard Crimson’ provides platform for lying about Israel
To equate Israel, a country that grants full rights to all citizens, both Jewish and Arab, to apartheid-era South Africa, is the epitome of fake news. It’s sensationalistic, sparks outrage, and is unequivocally false. At The Harvard Crimson, contributing opinion writer Lucas Koerner succumbs to and indeed promotes this cheap...
Campus Campaigns to Delegitimize Israel
This past semester, I attended an event hosted by the campus organization Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine (HOOP). There is no doubt that it would be impossible to unravel all the untruths uttered during this event in one short article, yet there is no question about what the overall message...
Blood Libels in the Name of “Radical Love” at Harvard
Antisemitism is a unique form of hatred. While most forms of bigotry involve hating those who are supposedly inferior, antisemitism “punches up,” deriding alleged Jewish plots to ruthlessly control and subjugate all other groups. To illustrate this, here is a quote from former Ku Klux Klan (KKK) grand wizard David...
Harvard’s Sara Roy: All Hamas Needs is Love
Solving Gaza is simple. If Israel only wanted to, it could make Hamas disappear, its military wing evaporate, and its followers give up their claim to Jerusalem. That, at least, is what seems to pass for “smart” at Harvard’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES). In a London Review of...