4 minute read

Redefining The Lines

A version of this piece was originally published in The Claremont Independent by CAMERA Fellow Elliott Hamilton on November 23rd 2014.  After spending nine months in the State of Israel, Bryan Turkel, a brother of Alpha Epsilon Pi and a proud Zionist, returned to Claremont McKenna with full intention of displaying his identity....

3 minute read

Is Abbas Really a “Moderate”?

Various governments, news sources, and even some Israeli politicians refer to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas as a “moderate.” He and his political party, Fatah, market themselves as a “peaceful” alternative to the “extremist” Jew-hating terrorist group Hamas. In light of Hamas openly spewing genocidal incitement while simultaneously fighting a...

3 minute read

Setting the Pace to Finish a Marathon

If there was anything that I learned from attending the CAMERA conference a few days back, then it was that sprinting towards an unmarked finish line is impossible. Seven years have passed since I started running toward a goal that is simultaneously rewarding and destructive. Rewarding, because every stretch of...

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