On March 20th, CAMERA-supported group Eagles for Israel, along with the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), hosted Hen Mazzig at Boston College. As the CAMERA Fellow at BC, and as Co-President of the university’s only official pro-Israel advocacy group, I was ecstatic about the opportunity...
Leading Eagles for Israel
I’m not going to lie: it’s pretty great to say that you’re the leader of an entire political movement on campus. Even if that movement has to do with a place 5,000 miles away. And even if it’s on a Catholic campus with no more than 500 Jewish undergraduates. I...
CAMERA Fellows in Focus: Albert Barkan
The CAMERA Fellowship supports student leaders develop and strengthen their pro-Israel activism on campus. With the school year about the begin, we are introducing our 2016-17 Fellows, who will be working hard to promote the facts about Israel on campus. Meet Albert Barkan. A rising senior at Boston College, Albert Barkan is studying Economics and History. Albert’s...
David Horowitz Speaks to BC Students
On April 19th, Boston College’s EMET for Israel group, Eagles for Israel, invited David Horowitz to come give a presentation to students about Israel. Horowitz is an internationally known political commentator and author, and he lectured BC students about the state of Israel with the title of his presentation being...
Eagles For Israel Hosts Anat Berko
Eagles For Israel, the Emet for Israel student group at Boston College, organized a successful event where Anat Berko, author of The Smarter Bomb: Women and Children as Suicide Bombers, was invited to speak about her personal conversations with women and children who have attempted to become suicide bombers. Berko was...